 교수.연구 교수소개
박규태 조교수
Park, Kyu-Tae
디지털 트윈, 시뮬레이션
창학관 333호
Digital Twin
- Ph.D., Department of Industrial Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University.
- B.Sc., Department of Systems Management Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University.
주요 경력
- Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (2023~Present).
- Visiting Postdoc., School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University (2023).
- Team Manager, Digital Twin Lab., Micube Solution, Inc. (2020~2023).
연구 분야
- Cyber-Physical System
- Digital Twin
- Distributed Simulation
- Event-driven Simulation
- Human-Robot Collaboration
- Intelligent Operation Control
담당 교과목
Undergraduate Courses
- Simulation
- Production Information System
- Introduction to Smart Manufacturing

Graduate Courses
- Stochastic Model and Simulation
- Advanced Topics in Digital Twin
저널 논문
- Park, K.-T.*, Lee, J.-Y.*, Park, M.-W., Park, Y. H., Lee, J.-Y., and Choi, Y.-H., (2024). Models and P4R Asset Description for Digital Twin-based Advanced Planning and Scheduling using Cyber-Physical Integration for Resilient Production Operation, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 77, 127-153. (2023 IF: 12.2, Ranking: 1st, Top 0.5%)
- Sung, K., Park, K.-T., and Lee, H.*, (2024). Landscaping the Digital Twin Technology: Patent-based Networks and Technology Reference Model, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 9, 123576. (2023 IF: 12.9, Ranking: 1st, Top 0.9%)
- Park, K.-T., Park, Y. H., Park, M.-W., and Noh, S. D.* (2023). Architectural Framework of Digital Twin-based Cyber-Physical Production System for Resilient Rechargeable Battery Production, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 10(2), 809–829. (2023 IF: 4.8, Ranking: Top 11.50%)
- Jeon, S.-W., Oh, S.-C., Lee, D., Park, K.-T., Wells, J. W., Arinez, J., and Noh, S. D.* (2022). Design and Implementation of Simulation-based Scheduling System with Reinforcement Learning for Re-entrant Production Lines, Machines, 10, 1169.
- Park, K.-T., Son, Y. H., and Noh, S. D.* (2021). The Architectural Framework of a Cyber Physical Logistics System for Digital-Twin-based Supply Chain Control, International Journal of Production Research, 59(19), 5721-5742. (2021 IF: 9.018, Ranking: Top 6.32%, FWCI: Over 3)
- Park, K.-T., Yang, J., and Noh, S. D.* (2021). VREDI: Virtual Representation for a Digital Twin Application in a Work-Center-Level Asset Administration Shell, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 32, 501-544. (2021 IF: 7.136, Ranking: Top 10.47%)
- Son, Y. H., Park, K.-T., Lee, D., Jeon, S.-W. and Noh, S. D.* (2021). Digital Twin-based Cyber Physical System for Automotive Body Production Lines, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 115, 291-310.
- Park, K.-T., Lee, D., and Noh, S. D.* (2020). Operation Procedures of a Work-Center-Level Digital Twin for Sustainable and Smart Manufacturing, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 7, 791-814. (2020 IF: 5.671, Ranking: Top 6.39%)
- Park, K.-T., Lee, J., Kim, H.-J., and Noh, S. D.* (2020). Digital-Twin-based Cyber Physical Production System Architectural Framework for Personalized Production, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106(5-6), 1787-1810. (FWCI: Over 7)
- Park, K.-T., Im, S. J., Kang, Y.-S., Noh, S. D.*, Kang, Y. T., and Yang, S. G. (2019). Service-oriented Platform for Smart Operation of Dyeing and Finishing Industry. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 32(3), 307-326.
- Park, K.-T., Nam, Y. W., Lee, H. S., Im, S. J., Noh, S. D.*, and Son, J. Y., et al. (2019), Design and Implementation of a Digital Twin Application for the Connected Micro Smart Factory. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 32(6), 596-614. (FWCI: Over 7)
- Kwon, S.-K., Lim, C., and Park, K.-T.* (2024). Application and Potential Extension of Human-centric Digital Twin in Smart Manufacturing, IEA 2024, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea, Aug. 25-29, 2024.
- Park, Y. H., Park, M.-W., Park, K.-T., Lee, J. Y., Choi, Y., H., and Choi, S. Y. (2022). Development of a Digital Twin Lifecycle Management Technology for Optimal Operation of Large-scale CPPS, 2022 Fall Conference of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, Incheon-si, Republic of Korea, Nov. 4-5, 2022.
- Hwang, J. M., Choi, Y. H., Lee, C. H., Park, Y. H., and Park, K.-T., et al. (2022). Development of an AI-based Production Planning Technology in Reconfigurable Manufacturing System for Providing Dynamic Response to Fluctuation of Global Value Chain, 2022 Fall Conference of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, Incheon-si, Republic of Korea, Nov. 4-5, 2022.
- Park, K.-T., Park, Y. H., Choi, Y.-H., Park, M.-W., and Noh, S. D. (2022). Asset Description of Digital Twin for Resilient Production Control in Rechargeable Battery Production, IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsang-do, Republic of Korea, Sep. 25-29, 2022.
- Park, K.-T., et al. (2022). Development of Digital Twin-based Advanced Planning and Scheduling System for Resilient Production Operation in Ceramic Industry, 2022 Summer Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Aug. 25, 2022.
- Park, K.-T., et al. (2022). Digital Twin-based Dynamic Reservation Support System in Ceramic Industry, 2022 Spring Conference of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea, Jun. 1-4, 2022.
- Cho, K. Y., Son, Y. H., Kim, H. C., Park, K.-T., Bang, S. H., et al. (2021). Implementation and Application of Digital Twin for Battery Winding and Assembly Processes, 2021 Summer Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea, Aug. 25-28, 2021.
- Son, Y. H., Kim, H. C., Jeon, S.-W., Park, K.-T., and Lee, S. R., et al. (2020). Design and Implementation of Digital Twin Application for Battery Cell Production Lines, The 26th Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea, Nov. 25-28, 2020.
- Park, K.-T., Ko, S. W., Lee, S. R., Jang, S. M., and Yun, K. H., et al. (2020). A Case Study of Digital Twin- and Optimization-based Service Platform in Rechargeable Battery Production, The 26th Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea, Nov. 25-28, 2020.
- Jeon, S. W., Park, K.-T., Oh, S. C., Jun, C., Hwang, D. H., and Noh, S. D. (2020). A Study on Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Production Operation for an Automotive Flexible Assembly System, 2020 Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Pyeongchang-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea, Feb. 5–8, 2020.
- Park, K.-T., Im, S. J., Kang, Y.-S., and Noh, S. D. (2019). A Service Platform and P4R Data Model for Smart Operation of Dyeing and Finishing, International Congress and Conferences on Computational Design and Engineering 2019 (I3CDE 2019), Penang, Malaysia, Jul. 7–10, 2019.
- Jun, C., Park, K.-T., Im, S. J., Lee, S. H., and Noh, S. D. (2019). Automated Modeling & Simulation for Factory-level Digital Twin Model, International Congress and Conferences on Computational Design and Engineering 2019 (I3CDE 2019), Penang, Malaysia, Jul. 7–10, 2019.
- Hwang, J. O., Jung, Y. K., Jun, S.-H., Jun, C., and Park, K.-T., et al. (2019). Development of System Architecture for Digital Twin Creation for Factory Design and Operation, 2019 Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Pyeongchang-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea, Jan. 23–26, 2019.
- Jun, C., Park, K.-T., Im, S. J., Lee, S. H., and Noh, S. D., et al. (2019). Technology Development of Automated Modeling and Simulation for Digital Twin Creation, 2019 Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Pyeongchang-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea, Jan. 23–26, 2019.
- Im, S. J., Park, K.-T., Noh, S. D., Yang S. G., and Kang, Y. T., et al. (2019). Configuration and Utilization of Service Platform for Productivity and Energy Efficiency Enhancement in Dyeing and Finishing Shop, 2019 Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Pyeongchang-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea, Jan. 23–26, 2019.
- Park, K.-T., Lee, H. S., Im, S. J., Nam, Y. W., and Noh, S. D., et al. (2019). Design and Implementation of Digital-Twin-Centric Cyber Physical Production System Architecture and Data Model, 2019 Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Pyeongchang-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea, Jan. 23–26, 2019.
- Im, S. J., Zhao, W. B., Park, K.-T., Lee, H. S., and Nam, Y. W., et al. (2018). A Study on Design and Operation of IIoT-based Virtualization System for Micro Smart Factory, 2018 Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Pyeongchang-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea, Jan. 23–26, 2018.
- Hwang, K., Park, K.-T., and Noh, S. D. (2017). A Factory-level Cyber Physical System for Smart Operation of Metal Casting Shops using Tecnomatix, 2017 PACE Annual Forum, Toluca, Mexico, Jul. 24-26, 2017.
- Lee, J., Park, K.-T., and Noh, S. D. (2017). Reconfigurability Assessments of Automotive Smart Assembly Lines using Tecnomatix, 2017 PACE Annual Forum, Toluca, Mexico, Jul. 24-26, 2017.
- Park, K.-T., Zhao, W. B., Jeong, Y. J., Noh, S. D., and Kim, H., et al. (2017). A Study on Implementation of 3D Motion Model for IoT-based Cyber Model, 2017 Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, Pyeongchang-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea, Jan. 23–26, 2017.
- Zhao, W. B., Jeong, Y. J., Park, K.-T., Noh, S. D., Kim, H., and Son, J. Y. (2016). Design and Implementation of a Factory-level CPS for a Micro Smart Factory, Asian Conference Design and Digital Engineering, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea, Oct. 25-28, 2016.
- KR Patent No. 10-2020-0086772, (2020). Korean Intellectual Property Office.
- KR Patent No. 10-2047121, (2019). Korean Intellectual Property Office.
- KR Patent No. 10-2047119, (2019). Korean Intellectual Property Office.
- Development of Core Technologies for AI Autonomous Manufacturing in the Cutting Processing Industry, Sep. 2024.-Dec. 2027., Co-PI, Funded by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
- Digital Twin for Synchronization of Operation of Machining Cells, Aug. 2024.-Dec. 2024., PI, Funded by Korea Institute of Industrial Technology.
- Data Science for Business Potential (Fourth BK21 Program), Mar. 2024.-Aug. 2027., Participant, Funded by Ministry of Education.
- Professional Manpower Training for Electronic Manufacturing based on Data Analysis, Aug. 2023.-Feb. 2026., Participant, Funded by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

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