 프로그램과정 교과목개요
Sophomore [Level 4] Junior [Level 5] Senior [Level 6]
Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 1 Semester 2
ITM 411 Database Management ITM 421 Data Structure ITM 512 Operating systems Design ITM 521 Software Engineering ITM 611 Information Security ITM 621 Internship
ITM 412 Communications I ITM 422 Communications II ITM 513 Computer Networks ITM 523 Mobile Programming ITM 612 Capstone Design I ITM 622 Capstone Design II
ITM 413 Computer Language ITM 424 Computer Systems ITM 514 Fundamentals of Finance ITM 524 Management Science ITM 615 IT Project Management ITM 623 Supply Chain Management
ITM 414 Accounting Principles ITM 426 Engineering Math ITM 516 Data Mining ITM 525 Enterprise Resource Planning ITM 616 Straregic Technology Management ITM 624 Organizational Behavior
ITM 415 Engineering Economy   ITM 427 Business Process Management

ITM 517 Algorithm

ITM 527 Big Data Practice ITM 617 Decision Making Theory ITM 625 High Tech Marketing
ITM 416 Applied Statistics ITM 428 Opensource Software ITM 518 Mathematical Statistics ITM 528 Deep Learning ITM 618 User Experience Analytics ITM 627 Data Science Practice
    ITM 519 Web Programming ITM 529 Stochastic Processes   ITM 628 Simulation
통계처리입문 (Introduction to Statistics)
실제 현장에서 발생되는 다양한 문제와 관련된 데이터의 수집, 정리 및 분석 과정에 사용되는 기본 개념과 표, 그래프 등 다양한 데이터 정리 도구 등을 다룬다.
프로그래밍 언어 (Programming Language)
객체지향형 프로그래밍 언어인 자바 프로그램밍 언어에 대해 학습한다.

Business Information Systems

The module is designed to introduce students to the components of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and the need to study business information systems, understand the concept of a system and identify the importance of a holistic approach to the study of information systems. In addition, there will be coverage of the different types of generic information systems that exist in the business organisation, introduction to the concept of a systems development framework and associated issues and recognition of the importance of people in the development process. Emphasis will also be placed on how businesses can use ICT to meet their buisiness needs.

영작문(1) Writing(1)

This course is designed to acquaint students with the basic skills required for good writing and to help them become comfortable, confident, and independent writers in English. It will provide students with the opportunity to improve their writing skills through a variety of writing tasks and they will be able to learn the fundamental principles of prewriting, planning, drafting, revision, and editing as they move from sentence-level writing to guided paragraphs and beyond.

영어청취(1) Listening(1)

This course provides students with the basic principles of English listening comprehension and the introduction to IELTS. Students study pronunciation, words and actual English news, and practice introductory level of listening comprehension questions related with IELTS.


This course is designed to have students develop communication skills so that they have the confidence to take advantage of the many opportunities in their lives to present their ideas experiences, knowledge, and opinions in front of a group. It will acquaint students with the process of planning a presentation and offer an entry point to giving a presentation by encouraging them to speak about personal experience as well as points of view beyond their personal experiences.

영작문(2) Writing(2)

This course is designed to acquaint students with paragraph writing through essay writing. It combines a process approach to writing (where students work on invention, peer response, editing, and writing multiple drafts) with a pragmatic approach to teaching the basics of writing. Students will have the opportunity to improve their writing skills through a variety of writing tasks in class. 

영어청취(2) Listening(2)

This course provides students with the basic principles of English listening comprehension and the introduction to IELTS. Students study pronunciation, words and actual English news, and practice introductory level of listening comprehension questions related with IELTS.

Applied Statistics

This module aims to provide the student with the basic concepts of statistics. The student will learn about the sample statistics, various sample distributions and their applications. This module will enable the students to perform statistical analysis of the data obtained in a manufacturing system. Assessment is through a final examination, homework assignments and 1 quiz test about the usage of R software.

Data Structure

This module provides the student with the knowledge on data structures and the basic algorithms that use the data structures and ability to decide one of them for a given problem. Every data structure and algorithm explained in this module will be based on an object oriented concept. The module will also cover advanced object oriented concepts such as the exception handling and generics.

Computer Systems

This module is an introduction to concepts underlying all computer systems. More specifically, this module provides a programmer's view of how computer systems execute application programs, store information, and communicate with each other. This module also serves as a foundation for modules on operating systems, computer architectures, compilers, programming languages, computer networks, and embedded systems, where a deeper understanding of systems-level issues is required. Topics covered include data representations, assembly languages, processor architectures, the memory hierarchy, operating systems, compilers, linkers and loaders, and high-level application programming interfaces.

Engineering Math

This module aims to provide students with the mathematical topics interested in IT fields to understand several systems, processes and algorithms. To achieve this goal, this course introduces the fundamental concepts in linear algebra because linear algebra is a basic for the most mathematical analysis and various applications in IT. This module covers systems of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, basis, rank, linear transformation, inner product, etc. and presents application areas of linear algebra related with IT. Finally, this module provides a tutorial to apply linear algebra to real problems using a programming language.

Operating Systems Design

The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to the internal operation of modern operating systems. In particular, the course will cover processes and threads, mutual exclusion, CPU scheduling, deadlock, memory management, and file systems.


This module provides the student with the knowledge on algorithms and ability to decide the algorithm for a given problem. The module also help student to analyse the efficiency of a given algorithm.

Supply Chain Management


This course explores the key issues associated with the design and management of Supply Chains. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is concerned with the efficient integration of suppliers, factories, warehouses and stores so that products are distributed to customers in the right quantity and at the right time. This module provides the student with the ability to develop understanding of the concepts, processes and approaches for the operations and supply chain management and strategies in various service and operations in business information systems. Also, students will learn how to apply quantitative methods of analysis to support decision-making in supply chains. Case studies are used to discuss practical and up-to-date supply chain issues

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization's effectiveness. This module aims to acquire knowledge on individual, group, and corporate level behavior within organizations, by which students will be ready to cultivate their HR competency needed for carrying out their effective organizational life. This module covers the following themes; 1) Individual Behavior such as Diversity in Organizations, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction, Emotions and Moods, Personality and Values, Perception and Individual Decision Making, and Motivation, 2) Group Behavior such as Communications, and Leadership, 3) Corporate Level Behavior, i.e. HR Policies and Practices. The teaching consists of lecture, team presentation on a given topic or issue, and open/unstructured discussion. The assessment consists of mid-term and final exam(multiple choice + essay), homework report, team presentation. And verbal and written feedback will be given. 

High Tech Marketing

This module gives students in-depth knowledge in major concepts and theories to the high-tech marketing practice. Topics can be categorized into three parts: basic marketing principles (marketing processes and planning, market segmentation, marketing mix), high-tech marketing principles (technology-intensive business, chasm theory, and marketing analytics (using R software).

Computer Language

This module aims to provide an basic understanding of software solutions: their analysis, design, development and implementation including appropriate methodologies and skills in the use of an event driven language for open source development (Java). This module focuses on Object Oriented Programming using Java, implementing designs which have been developed using UML to show the direct link between UML and OOP

코업(1) Co-operative Education Program(1)

현장적응력 있는 실무형 인재를 양성하기 위하여 학기 단위로 운영하며 학생은 재학 중 현장체험을 통해 학업과 현장 업무를 연결하고 졸업 후 진로를 탐색할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 학생은 코업 기간 중에 전공과 관련된 기업의 실제 업무에 투입되어 이론과 실무를 겸비할 수 있다. 학생은 매학기 단위로 코업 결과보고서를 제출하여야 하며 코업 종료 시에는 기업 평가서를 또 기업은 학생 평가서를 현장실습지원센터에 제출한다.

코업프로젝트(1) Co-operative Education Project(1)

코업 프로젝트는 학생이 코업 교과목의 학점을 인정받을 경우 자동으로 학점이 인정되는 교과목으로, 한 학기 동안 풀타임으로 인턴을 수행했다는 것을 증명하여 준다. 코업 프로젝트의 학점은 졸업학점에는 포함되지 않으나 성적표에 기록되어 나타난다. 

코업(2) Co-operative Education Program(2)

현장적응력 있는 실무형 인재를 양성하기 위하여 학기 단위로 운영하며 학생은 재학 중 현장체험을 통해 학업과 현장 업무를 연결하고 졸업 후 진로를 탐색할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 학생은 코업 기간 중에 전공과 관련된 기업의 실제 업무에 투입되어 이론과 실무를 겸비할 수 있다. 학생은 매학기 단위로 코업 결과보고서를 제출하여야 하며 코업 종료 시에는 기업 평가서를 또 기업은 학생 평가서를 현장실습지원센터에 제출한다.

코업프로젝트(2) Co-operative Education Project(2)

코업 프로젝트는 학생이 코업 교과목의 학점을 인정받을 경우 자동으로 학점이 인정되는 교과목으로, 한 학기 동안 풀타임으로 인턴을 수행했다는 것을 증명하여 준다. 코업 프로젝트의 학점은 졸업학점에는 포함되지 않으나 성적표에 기록되어 나타난다.

코업(3) Co-operative Education Program(3)

현장적응력 있는 실무형 인재를 양성하기 위하여 학기 단위로 운영하며 학생은 재학 중 현장체험을 통해 학업과 현장 업무를 연결하고 졸업 후 진로를 탐색할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 학생은 코업 기간 중에 전공과 관련된 기업의 실제 업무에 투입되어 이론과 실무를 겸비할 수 있다. 학생은 매학기 단위로 코업 결과보고서를 제출하여야 하며 코업 종료 시에는 기업 평가서를 또 기업은 학생 평가서를 현장실습지원센터에 제출한다.

코업프로젝트(3) Co-operative Education Project(3)

코업 프로젝트는 학생이 코업 교과목의 학점을 인정받을 경우 자동으로 학점이 인정되는 교과목으로, 한 학기 동안 풀타임으로 인턴을 수행했다는 것을 증명하여 준다. 코업 프로젝트의 학점은 졸업학점에는 포함되지 않으나 성적표에 기록되어 나타난다. 

코업(4) Co-operative Education Program(4)

현장적응력 있는 실무형 인재를 양성하기 위하여 학기 단위로 운영하며 학생은 재학 중 현장체험을 통해 학업과 현장 업무를 연결하고 졸업 후 진로를 탐색할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 학생은 코업 기간 중에 전공과 관련된 기업의 실제 업무에 투입되어 이론과 실무를 겸비할 수 있다. 학생은 매학기 단위로 코업 결과보고서를 제출하여야 하며 코업 종료 시에는 기업 평가서를 또 기업은 학생 평가서를 현장실습지원센터에 제출한다.

코업프로젝트(4) Co-operative Education Project(4)

코업 프로젝트는 학생이 코업 교과목의 학점을 인정받을 경우 자동으로 학점이 인정되는 교과목으로, 한 학기 동안 풀타임으로 인턴을 수행했다는 것을 증명하여 준다. 코업 프로젝트의 학점은 졸업학점에는 포함되지 않으나 성적표에 기록되어 나타난다.

Database Management 

This module provides students with the fundamentals of database, which is the essence of all information systems.

Communications Ⅰ

This module is designed to introduce students to the principles of effective English communication and the preparation of TOEFL or IELTS test, and enable them to study effectively.

Accounting Principles 

Accounting is one of the most essential tools to be used for business model setting, performance measurement, budgeting & planning in any business including non-profits. To understand the basic concept of accounting through this lecture would help you sometime in the future when you are working in a business enterprise to understand 1) how business activities in the enterprise are translated into the financial numbers 2) how to make important business decisions such as long-term resource commitment by utilizing the basic accounting and finance concepts.

The module aims to provide foundations to understand basic accounting concepts/principles so that students will be able to read and write financial statements and grasp the idea of basic financial management.

Software Engineering 

Software engineering is one of modules for Level 4. The objective of this module is to introduce students to the methodologies involved in the development and maintenance of software over its entire life cycle. This module includes several life cycle models, requirement dictation process, analysis modelling and specification, architectural design methods, implementation and testing strategies, verification and validation techniques, and project planning and management.

Communications Ⅱ

This module is designed to develop those skills identified by employers as being necessary for effective communication and performance at work. It will help you plan your career, make successful job application and enhance your interpersonal skills. This module is also designed to develop the study skills for the TOEFL or IELTS test.

Business Process Management

Business Process Management (BPM) is the set of concepts, methods, and tools that help organizations define, implement, measure and improve their end- to-end processes. This module introduces a process-oriented view of the flows of materials, information, products and services through and across organizational functions. All organizations must carefully analyze and document their business processes and must continuously assess the efficiency and effectiveness of these processes to minimize cost and maximize value creation. This module helps students identify information-bearing events, assess and improve process efficiency, learn to model and analyze business processes, and understand the interactions between human behavior and process design.

Computer Networks

The module aims to provide students with an understanding of the role and internal operation of computer networks. It introduces basic concepts and technologies, with specific reference to the Internet, in order to give students an understanding of the demands placed upon computer networks, and the technology required for them to successfully support current and emerging applications. 

Engineering Economy

This module aims to provide the student with an introduction to economic decision making. This covers the basics of economic analysis from an engineering perspective, dealing with the principles and methods for analyzing the economic feasibility of alternatives and for making selection decisions among them. The student will learn how to perform economic evaluation and develop cost models for problem solving. Concepts in this class are equally applicable to engineering, business and financial systems problems. Assessment is through a final examination, plus a midterm exam given during the semester.

Information Security

This module focuses on computer security and computer viruses. Both technical and social issues are covered. The students will receive theoretical and practical teaching on computer security related issues.

Fundamentals of Finance

This module briefly covers the financial system and reviews the structure and uses of corporate financial statements. Then, three analytical “pillars” of finance- optimization over time, asset valuation, and risk management- are discussed. Its focus is on principles rather than institutional structures, although some discussion of institutions is given.

The module will be delivered via a combination of lectures and directed and independent learning. Assessment consists of quizzes and a final examination. The student will receive formative feedback throughout the lectures.

Management Science

This module focuses the study of concepts relating to management science in various informations applied service & operations organizations. The management science is simply a scientific approach to decision making that seeks to best design and operate a system, usually under conditions requiring the allocation of scarce resources. Quantitative methods of analysis used to support decision making in the various operations management activities will be employed to relate theory to practice. Students can obtain broad knowledge of mathematical and probability models. And they are given several problems, which are carefully chosen to practice management science techniques.

Data Mining

This module aims to provide students with the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to collect, modify, and analyse a large amount of data from various sources. Topics covered in this module include basic unsupervised/supervised learning algorithms, novelty detection algorithms, custering methods, and association rules such as k-nearest neighbour, Naïve Bayesian classifier, decision tree, and support vector machines, clustering algorithms including K-Means and hierarchical clustering, and A-priori rules. This module comprises lectures and programming exercises with Python language to develop the practical skills of data mining. The students are assessed by one quiz in the middle of the semester, the final-exam at the end of the semester, and a set of (2~4) Python programming assignments during the course.

Mobile Programming

This module introduces the programming technologies and design approaches for mobile computing systems. Students study relevant applications to understand them better. This module gives students a chance to construct their own application on a widely-used mobile platform.


The aim of this module is to use the placement experience to develop and enhance as far as possible appropriate areas specified in the relevant IT Management. The aims are general because of the wide range of placement opportunities offered by our program's partners (ETRI, SK C&C, ITSA et al.) and other companies/research centres/ universities. This module is designed to promote personal development and a range of interpersonal, intellectual and practical (functional) skills based around and demonstrated through a significant individually negotiated Professional Placement. It seeks to raise the learner’s awareness of the workplace as a learning environment and extend their capability and enhance their individual effectiveness, employability and business competitiveness. It will seek to develop professional skills in the chosen subject area within the working environment. Being able to manage own placement development i.e. managing tasks; working with and relating to others, applying knowledge, applying initiative in work problems. Learners will be expected to reflect on the learning derived from the Professional Placement

Capstone Design I

This module is designed to provide an opportunity for the expression of individual creativity and ability in completing a significant item of work related to the aims and objectives of the Information Technology Management. Topics for projects may be suggested by students themselves and perhaps may derive from industrial placement experience. However, academic staff will also suggest suitable topics to the students. The student will be provided with a supervisor for their project. This person will provide guidance during the project period on the progress of the work, the direction of the study and the quality of work to be carried out. During the project the student will submit several pieces of work which contribute to the module. During the first half of the first semester students will produce a Terms of Reference document, with advice and support from their supervisor, and will discuss drafts of the Terms of Reference with the supervisor before submitting the final version. (For part-time students these timings may be adjusted if required by the student's study plan.) During the remainder of the semester the student should work on the problem analysis and on the specification of requirements for the product. During this period the supervisor will review the student's work and provide advice on how the work can be improved. Towards the end of the first semester an initial draft of the requirements specification and the analysis part of the project report will be submitted to the supervisor. This report will cover the background to the project, justify the product requirements and identify the approach and tools to be used to carry out the project work. It may include a literature review. This draft will be formatively assessed and used to give guidance to the student in preparation of the final report. 

Strategic Technology Management

Technology innovation management is a rapidly emerging area as technological innovation has been at the core of sustainable competitive advantage for firms. The module provides an overview of technological innovation management with an emphasis on the integrative relationship of technology development with strategic planning, marketing, finance, engineering and operations over the entire life cycle of technology. Through a combination of lectures, case studies, and term-projects, this module will examine not only the fundamentals of managing innovation and technological dynamics, but also the formulation and implementation innovation strategies within an organization.

IT Project Management

This module focuses on IT project management methodology and knowledge including scope, time, cost, quality, risk, and communication management for the IT project planners, developers and executioners. The module will also cover how to use the PMS software. The module will be delivered by lectures, seminars, exercises/discussion, and workshops utilizing project management software. The appropriate project management knowledge and skills will be tested using a portfolio of in course assessments.

Capstone Design II

The module is designed to provide an opportunity for the implementation of Capstone Design I. The practical work for the project designed at Capstone Design I will be carried out during this module at the second semester. During this period the student is expected to produce both the project product and a final report. The report and the product documentation, etc. will be submitted in week 15. On completion of the project, the student will submit a project report which incorporates the earlier analysis report (or a revision of it), describes the synthesis of a solution to a problem and gives a detailed critical evaluation of both the technical work and the process of the project.

Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software programs are at the cutting edge of information systems technology. ERP systems help to manage company-wide business processes, using a common database and shared management reporting tools. Student will learn how ERP systems support the efficient operation of business processes by integrating business activities, including sales, marketing, manufacturing, accounting, and staffing.

The module will be delivered via a combination of lectures and directed and independent learning. Assessment consists of quizzes and a final examination. The student will receive formative feedback throughout the lectures.


프로그래밍언어 Programming Language

Phython 프로그래밍 설명을 통해 문제해결 및 데이터 분석할 수 있는 방법을 배움

Describes how to program with Python, and learn how to solve practical problems such as data analysis.

통계처리입문 Introduction to Statistics

실제 현장에서 발생되는 다양한 문제와 관련된 데이터의 수집, 정리 및 분석 과정에 사용되는 기본 개념과 표, 그래프 등 다양한 데이터 정리 도구 등을 다룬다.

This module deals with the basic concepts of statistics. This module focuses on the sample statistics, various sample distributions and its applications. This module will enable the students to perform statistical analysis of the data obtained in a manufacturing system.

Open Source SW

This module introduces the basic technologies and design approaches for opensource-based software development. Students will study relevant skills to understand them better. Students will be more familiar with the core components of open-source ecosystems through in-lab classes for each topic. This module also allows students to develop their own applications based on a widely used open-source platform and frameworks.

Web Programming

In this module, students will learn the fundamentals of web development and programming. It lays the foundations for understanding complicated web technologies using the fundamental building blocks of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The students will learn theory and then practices by building a website using the main technologies learned in class.

Mathematical Statistics

This module aims to provide students with a solid understanding of the concepts, theories, and techniques in mathematical statistics. By learning to work with a variety of statistical tools and methodologies, students will be equipped to interpret and critically analyze data across a broad range of disciplines. The course covers key statistical topics such as probability theory, statistical inference, random variables, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and nonparametric statistics. The aim is to promote a deep understanding of the mathematical principles underlying statistical analysis, and to cultivate students' ability to apply these principles in practical situations. Assessment will be through a combination of coursework and examinations. The coursework will include problem-solving exercises and data analysis tasks. The midterm and final exams will test the overall understanding of the course material. Feedback will be provided in a variety of ways: written comments on coursework and verbal feedback during lectures. Online platforms will also be used to provide timely and comprehensive feedback. Students will be encouraged to use this feedback to identify their strengths and areas for improvement.

Big Data Practice

In this module, students will learn important concepts and practice for big data management and processing. They will learn important concepts of the Hadoop and NoSQL for managing big data and practice how to use them for managing real-data sets. In addition, they will develop actual services based on the big data management and processing

Deep Learning

This module aims to provide students with the theoretical and practical knowledge about Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially deep learning. AI is a field that has a long history but is rapidly growing and changing, and deep learning is the most promising technology for implementing human-level AI in recent years. Topics covered in this module are focused on recent deep learning methodologies including multi-layer perceptron, convolutional neural networks, recurrent neural networks and generative models not covered in ITM 516 Data Mining module. The students are assessed by mid-term/final exams and a set of (2~4) Python programming assignments during the course.

Stochastic Processes

This module aims to provide students with a foundational understanding of stochastic processes and their relevance in diverse applications. Through a blend of lectures, readings, and hands-on exercises, students will explore key concepts such as Newsvendor models, Markov chains, and Poisson processes. Upon completion, students will be adept at analyzing, modeling, and interpreting systems that evolve over time with inherent randomness. Student proficiency will be gauged through periodic quizzes, project assignments, and a comprehensive end-of-term examination. Regular feedback sessions will be conducted, utilizing peer reviews, tutor comments, and self-assessments to foster continuous improvement. Given the ubiquity of random phenomena in nature and its importance in various scientific and engineering fields, this course seeks to equip students with the tools to model, analyze, and make predictions in uncertain environments.


Decision Making Theory

This module covers theories and applications concerning decision-making in business scenarios. Decision-making in a business context should be grounded in rational reasoning and necessitates proper communication with other members of the organization. Students will engage in exercises related to written communication and demonstrate their public speaking skills. Major contents of this module include decision making based on game theory, traditional consulting methodology, and data-driven consulting methodologies.

UX Analytics

This module gives students in-depth knowledge in major concepts and theories to the user experience analytics. Topics can be categorized into four parts: Concept development, Research methodologies (Desk research and user research), Idea generation, User interface implementation (Scenario and prototyping).


Data Science Practice

This module aims to provide students with technologies, applications, practices, and skills for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance along with external data generated from diverse sources to gain insights and drive business planning. Topics covered in this module include statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive modelling. While several data mining algorithms including basic unsupervised/supervised learning algorithms are especially empathized in ITM 516 Data Mining module, this module covers the whole process of data mining consisting of data collection, prepressing, modelling and analysis. This module comprises lectures and programming exercises to implement data science techniques. The students are assessed by mid-term exam in the middle of the semester, the final-exam at the end of the semester, and a set of (2~4) programming assignments during the course and the term project.



As methods for scientific inquiry, the discrete event simulation (DES) has been used by engineers for over 50 years. The DES enables us to study discrete event dynamic systems in which delay is an intrinsic feature. This module aims to teach students with the fundamental and practical knowledge about modelling and simulation, especially DES. The DES embraces modelling, programming, random number and variate generation, and experimental data analysis, etc. The students will also learn the diverse cases in manufacturing, communication networks, transportation, and public services. In addition, the practices using a commercial simulation package (Simio) help the student to improve practical ability and understanding of the knowledge from lecture.

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